Tuesday, April 11, 2017


The weekend just gone was not one of the best ones i've had.
Both of my main football teams managed to lose after both
being unbeaten thus far.  I also had a pretty ordinary Saturday
for other reasons i won't go into here.  To add to that one of 
the Revenue Sharing programs i'm in, made some quite big 
changes, resulting in a halt to earnings for about 2 days.
Now you might think with the combination of these things i
might be feeling a bit pissed off.  That could've easily been
the case a couple of years ago but not today.  I now understand
that there are opposing forces going on around us all the time.
Think about this.  Almost every very successful person has at
some stage in their life beforehand,  visited the very depths of 
hardship.  This seems to be right across the board.  Visiting the
very low points seems to be almost the only way to switch on
the deep desire to succeed at all costs.  So both my football
teams will go back to the drawing board during the week and
work hard to hit back hard next game.  The new rules that have
been set in motion in the Revshare, will force us to think smarter
about what we do going forward.  Other issues i encountered
will have a similar effect from here on.  Perhaps the only reason
i compete well at Masters Athletics these days, is because many
years ago,  a motorcycle crash left me with a bad knee.  I made
a decision at the time not only to be able to walk freely again, 
but take it a step further and run fast.
So you see, when something bad happens these days,  I know 
something good is just around the corner.....

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